Treating an ingrown toenail

Treating an ingrown toenail

Is your toe too sore? It is most likely an ingrown nail. It is a fairly common problem and can quickly turn into an infection and cause health concerns if not treated quickly. In this article, your expert nail supplier Maryton gives you all our tips for treating an ingrown toenail at home and especially how to recognize it. What is an ingrown toenail? An ingrown nail or “ingrown nail” mainly occurs when the corner or edge of the nail bends and penetrates the surrounding skin. This can lead to pain, redness, swelling and even infection if not treated quickly. Most often, the

Our tips for taking care of your feet

Our tips for taking care of your feet

More than 6 out of 10 complain of foot pain, these sufferings are often linked to shoes. Chosen hastily and according to fashion to the detriment of our comfort. Follow us and discover all our advice to find a light step. Arch pain? Choose the right insoles The pain comes from a stretching of the aponeurosis, this part of the foot is used for propulsion when moving. This leads to tension at the end of the step. In the absence of adequate cushioning, the aponeurosis undergoes repetitive microtraumas. Attack solutions: to soothe the sore aponeurosis, roll a tennis ball under your foot for 5 to