Even if you have pristine, smooth-to-the-touch nails — without the slightest trace of wear — keeping them strong is a whole different story. Today, the nail supply expert Maryton will tell you how to harden your nails in this article? Just keep reading! Apply cuticle oil daily Taking care of your cuticles is the first way to harden your nails. This is because dehydrated and frayed cuticles can lead to nail edge damage and infection if left untreated. Add a cuticle oil to your daily routine. Many oily solutions contain fatty acids and vitamins that nourish the nails and fill micro cracks in the skin. Take
Tag: Nail care products
How to treat nail infiltration?
As a matter of fact, nail infiltration is nothing serious. You just have to take the time to clean your nails well and apply an appropriate treatment to completely eliminate the bacteria and regain beautiful nails. Today, the nail supply expert Maryton will tell you How to treat nail infiltration in this article. Just keep reading! There are several tips to take into account to treat nail infiltration or simply avoid it: Space out your false nail poses: let your nails breathe.Gently clean his nails.Obtain an antifungal treatment to eliminate the bacteria.Dip your fingernails in a bath of diluted vinegar.Clean its interior
Why are there white spots on your nails?
Having a white spot on the nails, also known as leukonychia, is a common nail problem that affects many people. It is usually harmless and often goes away on its own. But in some cases, it can also be a sign of an underlying health condition. Why are there white spots on your nails? In this article, the nail supply expert Maryton will give you answers. White spot on the nails linked to an injury One of the most common causes of white spots on nails is injury or trauma to the nail. This may be due to excessive pressure on the
5 home remedies to grow your nails faster
Are you a fan of grandmother's remedies? In this blog, your expert nail supplier Maryton will tell you some tricks to speed up the growth of your nails. Natural cure based on olive oil: heat 4 tablespoons of olive oil in a bowl, then let cool. Then add 5 drops of lavender essential oil. Dip your nails in the bowl for 10 minutes.Natural milk-based cure: mix 125 ml of milk with lemon juice, and soak your fingers in it for 15 minutes. Repeat 3 times a week.Natural orange-based cure: squeeze 4 oranges, soak cotton discs in them, then apply to your nails. Let it work
White spot on the nail, lack of magnesium?
You woke up and noticed that you have white spots on your nails and it spoils their beauty? In the majority of cases, it is not due to a health problem. In this blog, your expert nail supplier Maryton will explain the causes of the appearance of these famous white spots as well as how to prevent them. Where do white spots on nails come from? These white spots may come from: Zinc or calcium deficiency or excessive manicuringA shock on the nailSome diseasesSide effects of certain medications 3 PCS Disposable Individually Packed Nail Manicure Sets300 PCS $34.50 How to Treat and Avoid