To have beautiful nails, you have to stop biting them. Today, the nail supply expert Maryton will show you 3 steps for stopping biting your nails. Just keep reading!
Step 1: Understand what triggers cravings
The first thing to do to stop biting your nails is to know when in the day you do it. This can be for example when you watch TV or work. The goal is to know precisely what you are doing when it happens, who is around you and where you are.
Step 2: Decondition yourself to the urge to bite your nails
Once you know what triggers the urge to bite your nails, you can change your environment to make it harder for you. For example, if you’ve noticed biting your nails when working in your bedroom, try working in the living room or around other people.
Step 3: Address the emotions underlying the urge to bite your nails
Nail biting is more emotional than physical. If you can’t figure out the physical cause for the urge to bite your nails, try thinking about the thoughts you’re having or feeling just before the act.
Hoping that this article has pleased you and will give you ideas! In addition, I also advise you to invest in some professional manicure kits to care for your nails!
Read also: What Are The Essential Accessories For A Nail Drill?